Joined up service from Cluttons helps Sei’s expansion

SEI’s expansion and forthcoming lease expiries presented a unique opportunity and requirement for a new HQ.
Cluttons undertook a wide-ranging search to acquire a consolidated 60,000 sq ft London HQ, as well as providing technical due diligence, lease negotiations, and development monitoring of Landlord’s works, together with project and cost management for SEI’s works of adaptation.
The accommodation selected is located on Finsbury Square, symbolically between City core and fashionable Shoreditch.
- Works of adaptation were carefully designed to reflect the SEI unique culture and innovative approach with an ‘art gallery’ feel to accommodate their extensive modern art collections
- The accommodation will comprise two interlinked floors of open plan workspace to accommodate circa 500 staff together with a Client visitor suite comprising of a roof terrace area with spectacular views over the core of the City of London
How we helped
In addition to agency and lease negotiation, Cluttons undertook an extensive due diligence exercise with the building currently undergoing a major refurbishment. Negotiations with the Landlord included adaptations to the base scheme, early access agreement and completion of CAT ‘A’ works to accommodate the CAT ‘B’ fit-out, thereby minimizing base build adaptation with significant savings for SEI on programme and cost.
Our input also included:
- Detailed phasing and programme coordination with Landlord to enable early access
- Detailed brief capture and coordination with SEI facilities team in USA
- Coordinating design team to provide highly creative and innovative design solution