Fibre management
Last metre fibre connections (kerb to door)
We combine our property expertise and digital infrastructure knowledge to provide last metre fibre connections, acting on behalf of fibre providers, landlords and occupiers.
Fibre providers
As property experts in the digital infrastructure industry, we are uniquely placed to deliver last metre connections (kerb to door) for fibre and alternative network providers.
We use our real estate expertise and extensive relationships to have the right conversations with estate owners and occupiers to support the providers requirements to deliver fibre to as many commercial, single dwelling units (SDUs) and multiple dwelling units (MDUs) as possible.
We manage the delivery from access requests and installation through to post completion reports.
Landlords, occupiers, investors, and developers
We deliver last metre fibre connections (kerb to door) for occupiers and landlords to upgrade and future proof their property assets.
Having a gigabit connection is key to future proofing a portfolio, but often landlords and developers don’t have the expertise or the resource to make this happen. It is also the case that fibre providers want to gain access to their portfolio of assets and they don’t know how best to manage this.
We handle everything from the practical elements of access requirements, fibre route planning, schedule of conditions and installation through to the technical areas of planning and legal agreements (wayleaves).
We understand the complexities of such projects and have well established relationships with ISPs and the expertise to facilitate a smooth process.
Our unique understanding of the wayleave process, the legislation governing fibre installation (Electronic Communications Code 2017) and our relationships with landlords and agents aids the success of our projects.
What is wayleaves & easements?
Our experts combine their property and infrastructure knowledge to provide you with a bespoke approach to wayleaves and easements, resulting in faster delivery whilst enabling you to focus on your core business.