Business rates
Making sure your business is only paying what it should be
From check, challenge and appeal to empty rates mitigation, business rates are a complex, often stressful area for many businesses and finding the right direction can be bewildering.
In-depth knowledge and experience is vital in getting the best results and our team uses these skills to understand your needs and provide strategic and tailored solutions that are right for your business.
Working for occupiers, developers, and landlords in London and nationally, we operate across office, retail, and industrial and logistics sectors.
We also specialise in licensed and leisure properties, education, charities, infrastructure, and local and national government properties.
No two jobs are the same. By working closely with you, we dig deep, taking time to understand your business needs and reviewing your different options.
Our payment service helps you plan ahead, pay your bills, check their accuracy and, where we see an opportunity, challenge rateable values to reduce your overall liability and claim refunds for both temporary reductions such as building works or for permanent value significant reasons such as the opening of a new shopping centre.
Our historic rate audits will identify any overpayments and if you have an empty building, our intermittent occupation strategies will help mitigate your business rates and save you money.
Whatever the route we recommend, we make sure it is right for you and do the heavy lifting to get the best value results.
Our bespoke approach is demonstrated by the projects showcased here with examples of significant reductions in occupational costs for occupiers and holding costs for landlords.
Empty rates mitigation
After the initial statutory exemption, following the vacation of a commercial property, has been eroded the rate payer will be liable for 100% empty rates. We have various legal strategies which we can employ on your behalf to mitigate your financial liability.
Meet the team
Michael Hampton-Riddington
Partner, head of rating south
Head office
T +44 (0) 20 7408 1010 Email Michael