Expert witness

We provide high quality expert witness advice to help you defend or support any property valuation litigation or negligence actions.
By combining our resolute, reliable, and robust approach with extensive expertise and experience we help you make informed decisions that will save you time and money.
Our valuation partners have extensive experience in expert witness valuations work. If you are facing a challenging situation on a valuation appraisal, either as a claimant or a defendant, we are ideally placed to help you make an informed decision on whether to proceed and to act as your expert witness if you do.
With a wealth of technical expertise and market knowledge we not only use our robust methodology to help you build your case step-by-step but also bring you our wide experience of giving evidence, both in Court and at the Lands Tribunal, to ensure the best and most credible representation for your needs.
Our services range from providing preliminary valuation advice, which will enable you to understand your position and whether you should take legal action, to working with lawyers and counsel in providing expert witness statements for presentation and cross examination in court.
By only supporting where we know we can offer the right expertise and knowledge for your needs you can be confident that your approach is the correct one which will save you and your business unnecessary financial cost and time.
Meet the team
Jonathan Rhodes
Partner, national head of valuation
Head office
T +44 (0) 7971 809 798 Email Jonathan