The Environment Agency has announced that this week is officially Flood Action Week, marking one year since Storm Babet which caused chaos across the UK.
The extreme weather we have seen over recent months only goes to highlight the need for preventative measures to be taken across the 5.5 million homes at risk across the UK.
Simple steps include:
- Check your long-term flood risk. You can use this free service to find out the long-term flood risk for an area in England, the possible causes of flooding, and how to manage flood risk.
- Sign up for flood warnings by phone, text or email
- Taking steps to protect yourself from future flooding – including storing important documents in a secure, waterproof location, taking rugs and small furniture upstairs, checking how to turn off your electricity and water, preparing a flood kit.
For a more comprehensive view you can review the CIRIA Code of practice for property flood resilience which was put together with support from Cluttons as part of their steering committee.
Here’s an example of how we supported one of our clients:
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At the end of last year, The Environment Agency shared that 5.2 million homes and businesses across England are at risk of flooding, that’s one in every six properties.